Tags Archivessettlement agent

E-Conveyancing Now Available Via PEXA image

Limetree Settlements can now offer you both Mobile Conveyancing and E-Conveyancing. What does e-Conveyancing mean for you? Western Australia has enacted legislation enabling property transactions to be completed online through an e-Conveyancing platform known as PEXA (Property Exchange Australia). This facilitates property transfers without requiring the parties to meet or exchange hard copy transfer documents. To complete a conveyance electronically, all parties or their representatives in the transaction must be PEXA subscribers. This includes lawyers, conveyancers and banks. Limetree Settlements subscribe to PEXA and is able to complete your conveyance under the new electronic regime. Electronic conveyancing though PEXA allows for greater efficiencies in the conduct of your matter and eliminates the need for some personal attendance by you in ...

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Moving House Checklist image

MOVING HOUSE CHECKLIST There are so many things to think of when moving house. Let our Checklist guide you and assist in making a smooth transition when you move. It really doesn’t have to be stressful!   DISCONNECTIONS-REDIRECTIONS OF UTILITIES Electricity Water Gas Telephone Internet Pay TV WHO TO NOTIFY OF YOUR NEW ADDRESS Australia Post to arrange mail redirection Schools Family Friends Employers Banks Insurance providers Medicare Private health funds Road and traffic authority Electoral commission Mobile phone Australian taxation office Superannuation fund Accountant Doctor Dentist Sporting clubs Magazine Subscriptions Memberships GETTING READY TO MOVE Arrange a removalist Disassemble any larger items Defrost the fridge and freezer Back up your computer and hard dive Return library books Organise packing boxes ...

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